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| 70k
62k | As an officer of the Continental Navy of the American Revolution, John Paul Jones helped establish the traditions of courage and professionalism that the Sailors of the United States Navy today proudly maintain. John Paul was born in a humble gardener's cottage in Kirkbean, Kirkcudbrightshire, Scotland, went to sea as a youth, and was a merchant shipmaster by the age of twenty-one. Having taken up residence in Virginia, he volunteered early in the War of Independence to serve in his adopted country's infant navy and raised with his own hands the Continental ensign on board the flagship of the Navy's first fleet. He took the war to the enemy's homeland with daring raids along the British coast and the famous victory of the Bonhomme Richard over HMS Serapis. After the Bonhomme Richard began taking on water and fires broke out on board, the British commander asked Jones if he had struck his flag. Jones replied, "I have not yet begun to fight!" In the end, it was the British commander who surrendered. Jones is remembered for his indomitable will, his unwillingness to consider surrender when the slightest hope of victory still burned. Throughout his naval career Jones promoted professional standards and training. Sailors of the United States Navy can do no better than to emulate the spirit behind John Paul Jones's stirring declaration: "I wish to have no connection with any ship that does not sail fast for I intend to go in harm's way." Photo: John Paul Jones by George Bagby Matthews. The bust, One cannot underestimate the role French sculptor Jean-Antoine Houdon (1747-1792) played in the identification of John Paul Jones’s remains. The Houdon bust of Jones, sculpted from life, was arguably the most accurate portrayal of Jones. | Bill Gonyo |
| 168k | Undated, at anchor, awnings rigged for shade. | USN |
| 39k | Undated post card. | Robert Hurst |
| 157k | Undated RPPC by Arcade View Co. of San Diego. | Tommy Trampp |
| 48k | Speed trials, 8 July 1902, when she reached 28.9 kts. | Robert Hurst |
| 165k | Shown in 1905 in the Pacific Ocean, the Paul Jones was completed with a high forecastle for improved sea-keeping characteristics. The two set of stacks indicate that the boiler rooms are separated by their engine room, which should improve her survivability in a battle, as one hit would not disable all of her boilers. Note the indentation in her forecastle, permitted two 6-pounders just abaft the break of the forecastle to train forward. The two 3-inch are also visible, one atop her armoured conning tower forward (and largely hidden under canvas). the other right aft. Also apparent are the engine-room hatches amidships. Image and additional info from U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History by Norman Friedman. | Robert Hurst |
163k | Destroyers USS Stewart (DD-13), USS Whipple (DD-15), USS Preble (DD-12), USS Paul Jones (DD-10) and one unidentifiable sister moored together at Vancouver BC circa 1908-1910. Source: City of Vancouver Archives, Photo No. AM640-S1-: CVA 260-75, by James Crookall. | Mike Green |
| 260k | A series of 3 images of the USS Paul Jones (DD 10), USS Preble (DD 12), USS Whipple (DD 15), USS Truxton (DD 14) and USS Stewart (DD 13) in dry dock #2 at Mare Island on December 26, 1912. | Darryl Baker |
| 241k | As above, viewed from dock caisson. | Darryl Baker |
| 198k | As above, viewed from head of dock. The submarine F-1 (SS 20) can be seen to the left of the dry dock. | Darryl Baker |
76k | U.S. destroyers of the First Division, Torpedo Flotilla, Pacific Fleet, at Long Beach, California, circa 1913-1916. USS Whipple (Destroyer # 15) is in the middle. The others are two of the following: USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10), USS Perry (Destroyer # 11) or USS Preble (Destroyer # 12). Courtesy of Jack Howland, 1983. U.S. Naval Historical Centre Photo # NH 94954. | Robert Hurst |
| 123k | Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt (far left) is seen on the bridge of the USS Paul Jones (DD 10) upon the ships arrival at Mare Island on March 25, 1915. | Darryl Baker |
| 106k | The official party of Assistant Secretary of Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt is seen departing the USS Paul Jones (DD 10) at Mare Island on March 25, 1915. The Navy Captain to the far right is the Shipyard Commandant Capt. F. M. Bennett to his left is FDR and Eleanor Roosevelt. | Darryl Baker |
| 118k | USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10), Anchored off Guaymas, Mexico, 26 December 1915. Photographed by Hopkins. Collection of Thomas P. Naughton, 1973. U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph. Photo #: NH 92180. | Robert Hurst |
| 147k | USS Paul Jones (DD-10), USS Stewart (DD-13), USS Perry (DD-11) and USS Preble (DD-12) Destroyers at Seward, Alaska circa 1918-1920. Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division photo # LC-DIG-npcc-00258. | Tom Kermen |
| 48k | Three images of the USS Paul Jones (DD-10) from the collection of Charles Morris who served aboard from 1918 to 1919 as a Machinist's Mate First Class. He is Eric's Great-Grandfather. | Eric Prunty |
| 71k | As above. | Eric Prunty |
| 111k | As above. | Eric Prunty |

Charles F. Morris

The collection of Charles F. Morris, Machinist Mate, USS Paul Jones (DD-10) - circa 1918-1919 | Eric Prunty |
91k | Photo #: NH 94955, USS Hopkins (Destroyer # 6), at left, and USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10) off Old Point Comfort, Hampton Roads, Virginia, in 1918. Note the pattern camouflage worn by Paul Jones. Courtesy of Jack Howland, 1983. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Paul Rebold |
120k | Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania. Destroyers in the Reserve Basin awaiting decommissioning, circa March-April 1919. Ships present include (from left to right). USS Preble (Destroyer # 12); USS Decatur (Destroyer # 5); USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10); unidentified "750-ton" destroyer; USS Flusser (Destroyer # 20); and unidentified "750-ton" destroyer. Note the bent bow on the third ship from right. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
168k | Philadelphia Navy Yard, Pennsylvania, Old destroyers in the Reserve Basin, 13 June 1919, while awaiting decommissioning. Note the truck and liferafts on the pier. These ships are (from left to right): USS Worden (Destroyer # 16); USS Barry (Destroyer # 2); USS Hull (Destroyer # 7); USS Hopkins (Destroyer # 6) -- probably; USS Bainbridge (Destroyer # 1); USS Stewart (Destroyer # 13); USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10); and USS Decatur (Destroyer # 5). Ships further to the right can not be identified. Courtesy of Frank Jankowski, 1981. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Fred Weiss |
81k | Photo #: NH 43036, Philadelphia Navy Yard, destroyers awaiting decommissioning in the Navy Yard's Reserve Basin, during the Spring of 1919. Photographed by La Tour.dShips present are (from left to right): USS Isabel; four unidentified "750-ton" type destroyers; USS Preble (Destroyer # 12); USS Decatur (Destroyer # 5); USS Paul Jones (Destroyer # 10); USS Stewart (Destroyer # 13); USS Bainbridge (Destroyer # 1); USS Hopkins (Destroyer # 6); USS Hull (Destroyer # 7); USS Barry (Destroyer # 2); USS Worden (Destroyer # 16); USS Truxtun (Destroyer # 14); USS Whipple (Destroyer # 15); USS Perry (Destroyer # 11); USS Lawrence (Destroyer # 8); and
USS Dale (Destroyer # 4). U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. | Tony Cowart |