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NSWC Carderock Opens New Acoustic Research Support Facility

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NSWC Carderock Opens New Acoustic Research Support Facility

Story Number: NNS020820-13 Release Date: 8/21/2002 2:00:00 AM 0 Comments Rate this story! 
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BAYVIEW, Idaho (NNS) -- Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock’s Acoustic Research Detachment opened the Navy’s new Acoustic Test and Analysis Center (ATAC) in Bayview, Idaho on Aug. 13.

The ATAC, a 26,000 square-foot area costing $7.7 million, is the centerpiece of a major construction project, consolidating ARD offices, computer laboratories and industrial facilities into a single, modern facility.

The project represents the culmination of the ARD's Facility Master Plan, which is transforming ARD from a collection of converted World War II-vintage boat repair shops and 1970-vintage buildings into a state-of-the-art test facility.

ATAC is a multi-function building, consolidating 80 percent of the primarily civilian government employee workforce. It houses the capability for analysis of acoustic data from large-scale model lake tests. ATAC boasts an approximately 9,000 square-foot secure laboratory for analysis of model data.

It has fabrication shops for metal, fiberglass, wood and repair of boats, motors and equipment, plus offices and conference rooms for resident and visiting engineers and analysts, engineers and the detachment managers. Two rooms also allow video teleconferences.

The Navy’s Acoustic Research Detachment (ARD) uses state-of-the-art facilities to test technological innovations improving submarine signature and hydrodynamic characteristics. ARD is often the last stop in the research process prior to full-scale acquisition decisions.

The earliest experiments at ARD evaluated acoustic countermeasures. Prior to 1965, the Navy conducted a variety of experiments including surface ship sonar calibration, acoustic and radar countermeasures evaluation, towed array tests, and acoustic measurement on small, freely rising buoyant shapes. In 1967, the first large-scale submarine model arrived and ARD began to play an increasingly important role in submarine silencing. This model, named Kamloops after a trout indigenous to Lake Pend Oreille, is a quarter-scale version of the Sturgeon (SSN 637)-class submarine.

Success with Kamloops led to introduction of the Large Scale Vehicle (LSV) Kokanee, a quarter-scale battery-powered electric motor-driven autonomous submarine model used to support advanced propeller development for the Seawolf (SSN 21)-class attack submarine.

In November 2000 the Navy christened Cutthroat (LSV 2), a powered scale model of USS Virginia (SSN 774). Weighing more than 200 tons, Cutthroat is the world's largest unmanned autonomous submarine and joins Kokanee in conducting research experiments in Lake Pend Oreille.

For more news from the Naval Sea Systems Command, go to their custom Navy NewsStand Web page at www.news.navy.mil/local/navsea.

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